MMD/DCI districts use the Collaborative Work Implementation Survey (CWIS). The CWIS is an instrument that uses a five-point Likert scale. The survey is intended to measure the degree of implementation of desired processes and practices within participating districts. The scales were designed based upon theoretical knowledge about the most vital information passed from trainers to educators, and practical knowledge of the content of the learning packages delivered through professional coaching. Information about the CWIS content can be found in the MMD/DCI Blueprint. Districts are required to administer this survey each spring during the official window. DESE sends information about CWIS access and the windows for administration.
CWIS results can be accessed here on the CWIS Reporting Tool, where the data is reported in real time. Access to data is crucial for planning effective professional development. The reports help districts identify district- and building-wide priorities, set goals, support targeted training and coaching, and track instructional staff growth of knowledge and skills over time. Using CWIS data, District Leadership Teams can work with CST facilitators to identify and monitor district-wide goals.
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